Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Penultimate day

This little experiment is almost over.

I can't say it's been what I thought it would be. On the one hand, it plays to my lazy strengths. How easy it is to turn out something with a flash, a fillip here and there that might trick the reader into thinking something great is happening, then excuse its shortcomings by saying "Oh, that old thing? I just dashed it off..." That skill got me through a dozen and a half years of school and a career as a journalist. It's ever so much harder to buckle down and aim for the heavens. (Yes, I know: mixed metaphor. Unless there's some kind of weapon that takes buckles. Perhaps a really fancy slingshot designed by Michael Kors?)

It can be humbling, even discouraging, to see page after page of one's middling, unfinished work up there for potential public consumption. What I need to do next is take it and see what I can find to work on further.

I have not developed better work habits, although I've been faithful to the project, and that's an accomplishment I'd like to make into a habit. I guess I envisioned setting aside some period at the same time every day, when my schedule permitted, to Think Poetic Thoughts and write something. That hasn't happened. Some days I've put a lot of work into the draft; some days I haven't. Some days there's been satisfaction or even joy in the attempt; some days, not so much.

I do look back and go "Wow, thirty-some poems." The quantity impresses me.

And it matters a lot to me that I've actually completed, or nearly completed, what I set out to do.

Now tomorrow's gonna be tricky, because I'm headed to JazzFest in New Orleans on a very early plane. I don't reckon I'll be finishing with anything stupendous. But I'll show up, at least.


Abishagijh said...

Pam, it seems that the period of time you've been setting aside every day for this work is that period between 12 midnight and 2 am.

Enjoy JazzFest!!


Pam said...

You're right; that's often when I do it. I work best when I'm sleep-deprived or sleepy.

I went to bed sometime after 3 a.m. and got up at 8 today. I had the latest poem--the one about my father--in my head as I was falling asleep, but I knew I couldn't get up and write it then. And right now I'm sorely in need of a nap, which may be why it was so easy to write.

A fellow student in one of my workshops wrote a poem in which she mentioned "the hour of the mouse." She said it was a Chinese or Vietnamese zodiac thing; that each two-hour period has an animal assigned to it, and that "the hour of the mouse" is between midnight and 2 a.m.

(Huh...and I was born in the year of the rat. Go figure.)

Thanks for writing.